These terms and conditions (“Terms”) between you and NUFIT Health and Wellness Private Limited(NUFIT), a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 of India, having its corporate office at “Harsh Priya Avenue, Plot No 9 & 10, Flat No 106, Post Patrapara, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, Pin: 751030” governs your membership with NUFIT and your use of the membership card issued by NUFIT , as well as the various health benefit offers extended to you by NUFIT through its network of voluntarily participating medical professionals / dentists / pharmacies / hospitals, other medical practitioners / vendors who are independent practicing professionals and third party health service providers(“Medical Providers”).

The Terms shall be deemed to have been accepted by you whenever you use NUFIT Discount card, Preventive Health check Plans and/or any other Wellness benefits, /packages issued by NUFIT, or avail any of the health benefits arising there from. You are understood to have read and agree to abide by (on your own behalf and on behalf of your dependents/family) the Terms. You are requested not to use or avail any of the benefits/services mentioned above, if any of the terms and conditions contained in the Terms is unacceptable to you.

The Terms & Conditions of the NUFIT “Wellness Membership Program”, Package Membership's Card, Doctors empaneled with NUFIT, Diagnostic Center, Hospitals and other provider & the offers made on the NUFIT Wellness Package membership card may periodically change. We hence request you to check for these changes on the website or by calling us on our help line numbers on a regular basis.

All NUFIT members are understood to have read (on their own behalf and on behalf of their dependents/family/other members) the following terms and conditions and agree to abide by these Terms of Use. NUFIT reserves the right to modify, alter or otherwise update these Terms at any time and all cardholders agree to be bound by such modifications and/ or updates.

  1. Members are entitled to receive certain free and subsidized services from Medical Professionals / Organizations / Institutions / Pathology Labs / Radiology Labs / Others, who have done so for the cause of promoting high quality & affordable health care in India (i.e. for societal cause & not for promoting their practice in any way).
  2. In order to receive medical services at the subsidized fee, a member must present his / her membership card to the medical service provider / others before services are rendered & agree to the applicable fee accordingly.
  3. Members must pay the medical service provider directly at the time of Service unless otherwise agreed upon between medical service provider and the member
  4. RENEWAL OF MEMBERSHIP: Members may be informed at least one month in advance before their membership card expiry date. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that NUFIT receives the payment for renewal of membership at least two weeks prior to the membership card expiry to avoid disruption of services.
  5. RENEWAL CHARGES: The charges for renewal may vary and can be confirmed from Website in the “Membership Plan” section or our Customer Service number a month in advance of the expiry date.
  6. COMPLAINTS: Members are advised to address their complaints, if any, to our representatives. However if you are not satisfied, you may write to us at our corporate office address or mail us at customerservice@nufithealth.com
  7. The NUFIT Wellness Membership Program Package Membership card provides the member access to a network of voluntarily participating medical professional, dentists & other medical practitioners, Pharmacy, Diagnostic centers / vendors who are independent practicing professionals. Participating providers are independent contractors in private practice and are neither employees nor agents of Health and / or its parents, subsidiaries or affiliates NUFIT.
  8. The availability of any particular provider cannot be guaranteed, and provider network composition is subject to change without notice. Members are advised to check the list of providers and their % of subsidized rate/discount from the Website/App or NUFIT Customer Service or directly from the Provider before visiting
  9. The member understands that all payments to providers are due and payable at the time of service by himself/herself.
  10. It may not be necessary that all services, tests, doctor types are covered by the NUFIT network.
  11. NUFIT Network hospitals, Clinic, Diagnostic center may not be able to provide subsidized service on select Procedures and Tests, The member should clarify all rates, fees including subsidized rate (& all other details about the treatment or checkup or test, etc.) with respective empanelled providers in advance and be satisfied about the same before any treatment, tests or any discount services. NUFIT shall not participate or be responsible for any dispute on the same (related to rates and subsidized rates.)
  12. NUFIT is not a merchant, manufacturer, or provider of the dental & medical services. NUFIT does not give any warranty, express or implied, as to description, quality, fitness for any particular purpose, productiveness, or any other matter, for any services or merchandise purchased or received by a member from a medical practitioner, pathology lab / radiology lab/ provider or vendor through his / her card membership. In the event that any product or service purchased or received by a member is defective, or otherwise unsatisfactory, the member will deal directly with the provider, seller, merchant, vendor or manufacturer of the product or medical / dental service for any repair, exchange, refund or satisfaction of claim.
  13. This T&C and the relationship between you and NUFIT will be governed by the laws as applicable in India. Any disputes will be handled in the competent courts of Bhubaneswar, India.
  14. Respective Diagnostic center/ Hospital shall be solely responsible for any defect or deficiency with regard to conducting tests/investigations, collection of sample(s) and preparation and delivery of reports, including without limitation deficiency in quality of testing, default in meeting timelines or otherwise. NUFIT shall not be responsible for any deficiency in service. Any complaint by you regarding the standards of service or quality, or anything in relation to the services provided by the RESPECTIVE PROVIDER, shall be solely handled and resolved directly by them. NUFIT shall not be responsible for any such complaint.
  15. Complementary Health Check-up (CHC) coupon or any other discount coupons to be redeemed within the validity period as mentioned in the card and can be availed by any one of the member of the enrolled family.CHC can only be availed from the provider as mentioned in the CHC coupon. Member need to take prior appointment from the provider directly.
  16. You hereby acknowledge that the Dieticians shall provide Diet Plan and interim medical advice only as such Dietician cannot check you physically. Any advice provided by any Dietician shall not be construed as final and shall be subject to a physical check-up conducted by a duly qualified medical professional. No sensitive or critical advice or prescription of any kind shall be given to you by any Dietician. In case of any requirement you may have which cannot, in the Dietician’s reasonable opinion, be addressed over the telephone, you are advised to physically consult the required medical specialist.


  1. NUFIT reserves the right, in its sole discretion and without any obligation, to make improvements to, or correct any error or omissions in, any portion of the NUFIT Wellness Plans (HRA, Customized Diet Plan), Health Check-UP Package, coupon issued or any other services offered to you by NUFIT and update information from time to time.
  2. Neither NUFIT nor any Medical Service Provider shall be obliged to provide any services otherwise than in compliance with applicable laws. NUFIT shall not be responsible for any claims arising out of technical failures which shall include failure in telephone lines, failure of servers, or failure to provide correct updates due to technical snags at any time. Further, NUFIT shall not be responsible for any claims arising out of any failure(s) which are beyond the control of NUFIT
  3. You agree to being contacted by NUFIT and its representatives through Phone, Email and SMS, in spite of being registered in the National DNC/DND list.
  4. NUFIT is not a merchant, manufacturer, or provider of the Medical Services. NUFIT does not give any warranty, express or implied, as to description, quality, fitness for any particular purpose, productiveness, or any other matter, for any services or merchandise purchased or received by you from a Medical Service Provider through your NUFIT Discount card or any coupon issued by NUFIT. In the event that any service received by you is unsatisfactory, you will be required to deal directly with the Medical Service Provider for any refund or satisfaction of claim.
  5. You, for yourself and on behalf of any family member who uses the services under the NUFIT Packages, hereby forever release, acquit and discharge each of NUFIT and its employees, officers, directors, agents and affiliates from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, actions and causes of action that you or your legal representative(s) may have by reason of any damage or personal injury sustained as a result of or during the course of the use of any Medical Services.
  6. The benefits provided through NUFIT discount card are not applicable if you claim insurance benefits on the medical services provided.
  7. NUFIT does not recommend or suggest any particular Medical Service Provider or promote any particular Medical Service Provider's name or practice. You agree that selection of a Medical Service Provider based on the availability and time to avail Medical Services from is your sole discretion and is not based on any representations or recommendations by NUFIT, and is therefore your sole and exclusive responsibility.
  8. The availability of any particular Medical Service Provider at any time cannot be guaranteed. The list of Medical Service Providers offering Medical Services at Subsidized rate is subject to change without notice.
  9. NUFIT is facilitators in providing access to quality Healthcare services and in helping people save on their health care costs. NUFIT does not provide any Medical Services and is not responsible for the outcome of any services availed from any Medical Service Provider. All Medical Services are the responsibility of the concerned Medical Service Provider, to be carried out in consultation with you.
  10. Except as otherwise specifically stated herein, NUFIT agrees to keep your information confidential as provided in our Privacy Policy. Any personal information, contact details, feedback data or similar information provided by you to NUFIT shall be treated as confidential information. You expressly acknowledge and agree that the calls made by you to NUFIT and/or the calls made to you by any Medical Service Provider shall be recorded for the purposes of quality and for maintaining the record of your health information, and may be shared with a Medical Service Provider, if required, from time to time.
  11. You hereby agree that certain information in relation to the NUFIT’s Packages, any coupon issued by NUFIT, including in relation to any of the Medical Services, whether provided by you or generated by NUFIT / any Medical Service Provider associated with NUFIT, may be shared amongst NUFIT and the Medical Service Providers strictly for the purposes of carrying out their respective obligations in relation to provision of the Medical Services to you.
  12. No Wellness Packages, coupons or any services issued to you by Health can be redeemed for cash.
  13. The views and suggestions expressed by Medical Service Providers in the course of providing the Medical Services shall in no manner be construed as an endorsement by NUFIT of any such advice and views and NUFIT shall not be responsible in any manner for any such advice.
  14. To the fullest extent permissible by law NUFIT disclaims all possible warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content regarding the Medical Services provided by Medical Service Providers, nor can NUFIT be held liable or responsible for any (i) errors, omissions or inaccuracies of content or submissions; (ii) personal injury or property damage of any nature resulting from your access to and end use of the Medical Services; (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/ or financial information that may be contained therein; (iv) any deletion of data or interruption or discontinuance of transmission to or from or through the Medical Services; and (v) any content or transactions that is contained or may be available outside the Medical Services.


  1. This cancellation and refund policy (“Policy”) governs the cancellation of your membership with NUFIT Health and Wellness Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 of India, having its corporate office at “Harsh Priya Avenue, Plot No 9 & 10, Flat No 106, Post Patrapara, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, Pin: 751030” and of the membership card issued by NUFIT (“Wellness Membership Program”), as well as the refund of the fees paid by you towards purchase of such Preventive Health Care Plan (“Membership Fees”).
  2. In the event that you wish to cancel the Healthcare Package Membership and your membership with NUFIT, you shall be required to put a request for cancellation by visiting our “contact us” section on website(www.nufithealth.com) within 7 (seven) days of receipt of the Wellness Membership Program by you on your registered E Mail ID. Upon receipt of the request, NUFIT will return the Membership fees within 14 days from the date of request.
  3. No cancellation shall be carried out if you have in any way availed any of the benefits available under the “Wellness Membership Program”.
  4. Credit of the membership fees to your bank account / credit card account upon cancellation and refund by NUFIT shall be as per policies and timelines followed by the banks involved and NUFIT shall not be responsible for any delays in this regard.


NUFIT’s website acts only as a platform for individuals to seek interaction and/or discussion for the symptoms, causes and cures available for the ailments. NUFIT may provide at its discretion general information and relevant content related to ailments, symptoms, causes and cures and provide a list of Medical Providers making available treatments for such ailments. Any reference made by NUFIT on this website to any company or any other entity, or to their services or products, is not a recommendation or endorsement nor should it imply any such endorsement of the quality or fitness of purpose of that company or entity, or its services or products. You are informed that all information and content on this website is for your knowledge and information and should not be substituted for any medical advice.

You are advised that medical treatment is a specialized field and can be offered only by physicians, doctors, specialists and/or any other health care providers licensed for carrying such activity. You are requested not to substitute any information and knowledge shared and/or content provided by Medical Providers through consultation on phone for medical check-ups/ test/ consultation by visits with the Medical Providers. The advice provided to you by any Medical Provider through consultation over phone is intended to offer only a general basis for individuals to discuss their medical condition with the Medical Provider. The Medical Provider should be consulted regarding matters concerning the medical condition, treatment and needs of you and your family. Also any health and health-related information contained within this website is intended to be general in nature and should not be used as a substitute for a visit with a health care professional. You should visit the Medical Providers or your physician, doctor, specialist or any healthcare provider and consult them with any questions about your health, treatment or care.

NUFIT disclaims all liability and responsibility for any loss, damage, or inconveniences whatsoever or howsoever suffered, directly or indirectly by any person/user as a result of their use of this website and of any information and contact details supplied on this website. Any person proposing to use or rely on any of the contact details should first satisfy themselves of the completeness and accuracy of those contact details and any other information displayed with or in relation to them on this website. Users of this website are advised to refer to and rely upon the official version of information when making significant decisions. Links from this website to websites not managed by NUFIT do not imply endorsement or credibility of the service, information or product offered through the linked sites. Please be aware, most information transmitted over the internet is not secure; thus, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Although every effort is made to ensure that the material within this website is accurate and timely, it is provided for the convenience of the website user and should not be considered official. Any access of this website by the user is entirely at the user own risk and NUFIT shall not be responsible for the propagation of computer worms or viruses transmitted from this website.

NUFIT takes no responsibility for the services or products marketed through its website. NUFIT does not warranty either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of title, quality, safety, usability, or implied warranties of merchantability, suitability, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose, of the product or service marketed through its website. NUFIT shall not be responsible for any loss/ sickness/ death etc. resulting from the use of products / services marketed through this website.

Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in sales literature, quotation, price list, acceptance of offer, invoice or other documents or information issued by NUFIT shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of NUFIT.

The information displayed on NUFIT’s website or provided by Medical Providers is provided in good faith, and NUFIT makes no guarantees about the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, availability, accessibility, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose of any of the information. All content on this website is the intellectual property of NUFIT and any use or reproduction of the content(s) or material(s) from this website for any purpose not expressly permitted, is prohibited. NUFIT shall not be responsible for any reproduction or usage of the content by a third party for any purpose whatsoever. Please note that some pages within this website, for the convenience of users, are linked to websites not managed by NUFIT. NUFIT does not review, control or take responsibility for the content of these websites.

Important Note:
Any advice provided by any third party doctor should not be construed as final and will be subject to a physical check-up conducted by a duly qualified medical professional. In case of any requirement you may have which cannot, in the third party doctor’s reasonable opinion, be addressed online, you are advised to physically consult the required medical specialist. You hereby acknowledge that the third party doctors providing the chat-with-doctor service should provide interim medical advice only as such third party doctor cannot check you physically. No sensitive or critical advice or prescription of any kind should be given to you by any third party doctor providing the chat-with-doctor service. You hereby further acknowledge that you will be entitled to receive advice on over the counter medications only. In case of any allergies, you are advised to undergo personal physical consultation with a medical expert.